After Watching This Video, You Will Definitely Thank Your Teacher | Prohealthlaw

After Watching This Video, You Will Definitely Thank Your Teacher

A very touching video that rubs the deepest part of your heart.  So inspiring tribute to teachers. Teach, you’ll be amazed at the diffe...

A very touching video that rubs the deepest part of your heart. So inspiring tribute to teachers. Teach, you’ll be amazed at the difference you can make

He has to work and go to school, and is so tired he sleeps in class.  The teacher tutors him to help him pass. She brings him out to dinner with her family, and he can't pay her because he has no money, so she tells him "when you are successful, you can pay me back".  He gets arrested and drops out, and she keeps encouraging him to get back to school and go for a better career.  When he is finally successful, he comes back to her and tells her "it's time for dinner", meaning it is now his turn to treat her, the person who helped him get where he is.

Source: youtube @ De enz


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